
Top five must-haves while working from home.

With so many more of us working from home nowadays, the humble home office set-up has had to pull its socks up.

Slouching on the sofa while doing your emails might have worked on the one afternoon a month that you WFH’d pre-lockdown. But doing so for even a day a week is bad for your body, bad for your productivity, and let’s admit it – bad for your soul.

And that’s where working from home essentials come in. Now, we’re not talking about a fancy espresso machine or walking desk. They’re great, don’t get us wrong, but they’re not entirely… essential.

So, we’ve pulled together a list of five things that will have a positive impact on your physical and mental health as well as your productivity

Five Working from Home Essentials


No, your lap won’t do. A dining table is OK at a push, but a dedicated desk is best. And that’s for several reasons.

  • You can set your desk up just the way you like it and walk away from it at the end of the day, leaving it ready to return to the next morning. It’s a faster start to your day, helping improve your productivity.
  • It helps you compartmentalise your working life more effectively – essential for good mental health.
  • You can ensure it’s set at the right height for your working position – with a screen, keyboard, laptop stand, footrest etc all neatly set up for you – all vital for good physical health and avoiding musculoskeletal problems that affect the desk-bound.


Office chair

Leading nicely on, an office chair is a working from home essential for anyone who needs to sit in the same place for longer than an hour at a time. You need something that’s height adjustable and lets you move with ease – a chair with wheels on it is perfect. If you don’t want to spend a lot, take a look on a second-hand market place – you may be able to pick up a good quality ex-office chair from one of the many businesses that are reducing their office space.

WIFI booster

You won’t get far working from home if your internet connection is ropey. Cut the frustration, reduce the embarrassment and power-up your productivity with a decent WIFI booster. Perfect if your desk is some way from your router or if your home has thick, WIFI-unfriendly walls. Note – not all WIFI boosters are created equal. If you can get your internet provider to do a WIFI check for you, do. They’ll help you get the WIFI you’re paying for, no matter where you work in your home.

Ring light

A decent light is essential for helping you work effectively if natural light levels are low, while a ring light will help you look that little bit more vibrant in your Zoom calls. Spend a bit more, and you’ll be able to get one that does double duty as a desk light and camera light.

House plant

They might not be the first working from home essentials to come to mind, but hear us out. Houseplants are proven to lift our mood, support mental health and purify the air around us. Plus, they look lovely in your Zoom calls. Succulents might be the easiest to look after, but they’re not the most effective at clearing those nasties from the air. Instead choose more ‘leafy’ plants such as spider plants, devil’s ivy or peace lilies. They’re attractive, hardworking and pretty robust. Water them once a week or so, tend to them by removing any browning leaves, and your workspace will look prettier and feel healthier.

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